4.9 from over 110 Google Reviews

PPC Services

As a 2023 Google Premier Partner, we are in the top 3% of PPC agencies due to the huge success we consistently achieve managing PPC campaigns for our customers. With specialists in Google Ads, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok and more, our 70-strong team will ensure your campaigns achieve the highest possible ROI.
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Helping you get in front of your customers at the right time

In today’s online landscape, PPC advertising is an essential part of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. With its ability to drive targeted traffic and deliver measurable results, effective pay per click campaigns have become a cornerstone of successful digital marketing campaigns. Our PPC services will effectively deliver targeted traffic to your website, generating leads or sales.

With so much competition, standing out online is difficult, particularly at the precise moment a potential customer is looking for your products or services. Our data-led approach to PPC in digital marketing, balancing audience targeting, keyword research and bidding strategies, helps ensure your brand reaches your customers at the right time.

When they tell you that they will be an extension of your team, that's the absolute truth. And, one of the many reasons why I strongly recommend VL for both SEO and PPC. They continue to deliver incredible results to us on both areas - sometimes with little notice and tight deadlines.

Generating more leads and sales for your business

As a traffic-driving tool, PPC places businesses in front of potential customers precisely when they are actively searching for your products or services. We target specific keywords and demographics so we can display your ads to the right people at the right time. PPC also provides instant visibility so, once we have created your campaigns and they’ve been approved, your ads can start appearing on search engine results pages. While we will continuously optimise and refine your campaigns over time, you may start seeing the impact of PPC within a few days, helping you stay ahead of your competition and drive traffic to your website promptly. 

Whether you’re a small startup or a multinational corporation, PPC provides equal opportunities to reach and engage with your target audience. We help small businesses leverage PPC to compete with larger competitors on search engine results pages, effectively increasing their visibility and generating valuable leads. Meanwhile, we help larger enterprises utilise PPC to enhance their brand presence, expand their reach, and drive conversions at scale. 

While PPC is a different digital marketing tactic to SEO, it can influence your organic search engine presence in a number of ways. Increased click-throughs show your website is relevant, useful and engaging, and this can positively impact your organic search rankings. Insights from your PPC activity, such as keyword data and performance metrics, can also steer your SEO strategy.

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Reach the right audience

During a PPC campaign, we bid on keywords relevant to your target audience; when someone searches for those keywords, the search engine displays the ad. The bid amount, ad quality and relevance all determine the ad’s position on the search results page. We conduct thorough keyword research to understand your customers’ search intent, analyse industry trends and leverage keyword tools to uncover high-potential search terms and maximise your visibility. To optimise your bid strategy, we consider keyword competitiveness, budget allocation and conversion goals. 

Ad placement is a crucial part of your campaign and while Google Ads is the major player, other platforms like Bing Ads, Facebook Ads and LinkedIn Ads offer unique audience targeting capabilities. We evaluate the platforms’ features and targeting options in as part of our PPC strategy to ensure you reach the right audience. As a provider of search-first digital marketing, our PPC experts implement conversion tracking to measure the performance of your ads and make data-driven optimisations to maintain your competitiveness, improve your ad position and generate more quality leads.

How our PPC marketing team will work with you

1. Initial analysis and goal setting 

At the start of our paid search campaigns, we take the time to understand your audience – who they are, what they search for and how they behave online. We also assess your market and competitors. After our research, we create SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound) objectives, so our efforts focus on those areas that will have the biggest impact on your business. Using the research and objectives, we will create a meaningful PPC strategy complete with roadmap so you can see upcoming focus areas. 

2. Campaign setup 

Keyword research is a key component of our setting up your campaign; we identify the keywords people are using to search for topics relevant to your brand. By looking at search volume, competition and relevance, we select the keywords that will make the biggest impact on your business. We create ad groups to enhance the management and tracking of your PPC campaign. 

PPC ads look similar to organic results in that they are text-based and made up of several components, all with set character counts. Because of these tight constraints, we craft your ad copy by carefully combining your brand terms and target keywords with a strong call-to-action (CTA). We create multiple iterations so we can optimise towards the best performers. Once users click your ad, they are taken to a landing page. We optimise your landing page so it loads quickly, is consistent with your ad, provides further information and helps the user convert, i.e. making a purchase or booking an appointment. 

3. Campaign management 

To ensure we get the best results, we use A/B bid testing to optimise your PPC campaign’s bidding strategy. Monitoring and optimisation are key components of all our campaigns; we keep a close eye on key metrics so we can make strategic adjustments to bids, ad copy and targeting parameters to improve ad performance. Sending leads to your website is only part of the journey – we use conversion tracking technology to understand what people are doing after they’ve clicked. We then adjust your campaigns to target those who are more likely to convert, reducing your cost per lead. 

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4.9★★★★★ from over 110 Google reviews

Our aim is always to deliver the best PPC service in the industry and this is reflected in our Google reviews. We consistently receive high ratings for our unrivalled levels of knowledge, professionalism, responsiveness and quality of service. You can check out our reviews here.

So whether you’re a small, one-location shop or an international company with offices around the world, we promise to drive the biggest possible return for your PPC spend. We’ll ensure your brand is visible when potential customers are searching online and drive qualified leads and sales to your business.

Vertical Leap is a certified partner with Google, Microsoft and Facebook

Accredited partnerships

We are a Google Premier Partner, meaning Google recognises us as being in the top 3% of agencies in the UK and as a PPC agency that always delivers an expert service. We consistently maintain the highest standards to meet Google’s strict criteria and we also get access to our own Google Account Manager, plus any new tools and beta products before other agencies. 

We are accredited partners with Meta and Microsoft, and we are an Amazon Ads Partner. we are recognised as having a deep understanding of these platforms and for our high levels of competency in managing campaigns at scale for our customers. 

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CASE STUDY: 100% increase in transaction value through Google Search Ads

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Evidence-led PPC

Evidence-led PPC

We’re an evidence-driven PPC marketing agency that uses many PPC tools to identify opportunities for improvement, optimise your ads and track performance over time. This allows us to offer the best PPC strategy to improve your website’s visibility, traffic and conversions.  

We use tracking technologies and GA4 to continually measure the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns, so we can optimise to success based on black-and-white data. 

Find out how we can help your business

Whether you’re looking to increase your visibility online or improve conversions through your website, we offer a range of services including SEO, PPC, web design & build, conversion rate optimisation, content marketing and social media management, all of which can be tailored to your specific needs. To chat to one of the team,
email [email protected], call 02392 830281 or fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch.

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752% return on ad spend for PPC campaigns
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51% increase in SEO-driven revenue
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79% increase in table bookings from ‘near-me’ searches
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Frequently asked questions

The cost of a PPC agency depends on whether you pay a fixed fee or a percentage of your advertising spend. We are a ‘fixed fee’ marketing agency which means the management fee you pay every month is the same. The ‘percentage of spend’ model means the PPC management cost increases with your ad spend. On top of your PPC agency management fee, you also have your advertising spend. This will vary depending on your budget and how competitive your keywords are. We always quote on a case by case basis so email [email protected] if you’d like to get a price for your campaigns.

PPC is a digital advertising model where you pay to bring targeted traffic to your website. Instead of placing your ads where anyone can see them, you target audiences who show an interest in your offer. Most PPC networks run on an auction system where you bid on keywords or placements. You’re charged when a user clicks through to your website.

PPC stands for “pay-per-click”. This refers to an advertising model where you pay for ad clicks instead of impressions. People don’t choose which ads they see and impressions give no sign of interest. When someone clicks on your ad, they show a clear interest in your offer and take action to find out more. So you’re paying for high-quality leads that are more likely to buy.

When appointing a PPC agency, it’s important to understand their processes. You need to ensure your campaigns are being optimised and not set and forgotten. Ask the PPC agency for examples of how they use data to drive campaigns forward. Also what reporting they have in place to show progress. Find out which customers they work for. Ask their customers about the service they receive and how successful their campaigns have been. Also check out their Google reviews. A high quality PPC agency should also be a Google Premier Partner. Plus a partner with other advertising platforms such as Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon. The PPC specialists should also be Google Ads qualified.

We have expertise across all the main paid advertising platforms including Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Facebook, Amazon, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, eCommerce PPC, landing page design, remarketing and anything else you can think of!

Successful PPC depends on many factors. You must understand your audience, the advertising networks and how to manage a campaign. Campaign performance depends on keywords, bids, your ads and landing pages. You can optimise all these to increase click-through rates. But, you also need to think about post-click performance and optimise for conversions. Otherwise, you’re paying for clicks without generating the return on investment.

A PPC campaign has a specific goal, such as selling 100 units of a certain product every day. Or increasing conversions on a landing page by 5%. You can run many ads with different messages, targeting different audiences and addressing their unique needs. You can group similar ads into ad groups based on themes like product ranges, target audiences or conversion value.

The simplest way to increase PPC conversions is to target keywords with high buying intent. Unfortunately, these tend to be the most expensive keywords. Also many social PPC platforms don’t support keyword targeting. If you need help increasing PPC conversions, chat to our team on 02392 830281.