Paid Social

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Social media advertising to capture 'discovery' audiences

As an expert paid social agency, we’re all about crafting captivating online experiences that drive results. We understand the power of seamlessly blending cutting-edge design with effective paid social strategies to elevate your brand’s impact and drive your business forward.

Creating a successful paid social campaign requires a strategic blend of compelling content, precise audience targeting, and data-driven optimisation. At Vertical Leap, we understand the intricacies of paid social advertising and know how to create campaigns that resonate with your target audience and drive tangible results.

twickenham stadium

Huge return on ad spend for Twickenham Meta ads

Twickenham Rugby Stadium appointed us to increase hospitality bookings and revenue. Following a meeting to understand the various audiences they wanted to target, and the objectives and goals of the campaign, we put together an effective PPC strategy.

At the top of the funnel, to increase brand awareness and drive traffic, we targeted rugby audiences through Meta ads, predominantly video ads to best showcase the benefits of their hospitality packages. At the conversion end of the funnel, we ran search campaigns through Google ads. Here we were bidding on event key terms and ticketing search terms, for example “six nations tickets” with clear messaging to upgrade purchases to hospitality.

We have achieved fantastic results for Twickenham Rugby Stadium across various campaigns, including their Six Nations campaign which saw a 3,054% return on ad spend for Google Search ads, and 2,515% return on ad spend for Meta ads.

social media advertising strategy

How paid social will benefit your business?

By harnessing the power of paid ads on social media on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, and more, your business can unlock a multitude of benefits that traditional marketing methods simply can’t match.

  • Enhanced brand visibility: Eye-catching visuals, engaging videos or persuasive paid social ad copy.
  • Targeted traffic generation: Meticulously target your audience based on demographics, interests, behaviours, and even specific actions.
  • Increased conversions: Guide users through the conversion funnel to boost conversion rates and drive more sales.
  • Precise ROI tracking: Measure the impact of every pound spent.

Our social media advertising services

Our expert team specialises in providing a range of social media advertising services that can be tailored to your business, including Meta advertising using Facebook and Instagram, LinkedIn advertising and eCommerce advertising.

Facebook advertising

We specialise in crafting engaging Facebook ad campaigns that drive meaningful engagement and conversions by leveraging advanced targeting options.

Instagram advertising

Make your brand stand out with visually appealing Instagram ads, whether it’s stories, carousel ads, or in-feed posts, designed to captivate your audience.

LinkedIn advertising

Reach professionals and decision-makers through targeted LinkedIn advertising strategies to establish you as a thought leader and generate leads.

Pinterest advertising

Utilise the visual power of Pinterest advertising to showcase your products or services to a highly engaged audience to drive traffic and conversions for your business.

TikTok advertising

Take advantage of the viral nature of TikTok advertising and create engaging ad campaigns that resonate with a younger demographic and capture the attention of users.

We're proud to be associated with industry-leading social media partners and hold accreditations that reflect our commitment to excellence. These partnerships allow us to stay at the forefront of paid social advertising trends and provide you with the highest quality services.

How our paid social experts will work with you

We’ll collaborate closely with your team to understand your goals, create tailored strategies, and continually optimise for optimal outcomes. Our process involves in-depth research, A/B testing, and performance analysis to ensure that your paid social campaigns are continuously improving and delivering the best possible results.

Creative ads and copy

Getting ads in front of your audience is only half the battle. Making sure the ad creative and copy is engaging and attention-grabbing is the other. We conduct an in-depth analysis of your sector and audience to understand what ads will be of most interest to your customers and generate the most clicks.

A/B testing and optimisation

One of the key advantages of social media advertising is the ability to conduct A/B testing on various elements of your campaigns. Working with you, we will continuously refine your ads based on data-driven insights, uncover what resonates best with your audience and fine-tune our approach accordingly.

Integrated campaigns

Paid social ads are very effective as a standalone marketing activity but are even more valuable when combined with other digital marketing channels. We will work with you to identify cross-platform opportunities to guide your customers through the sales funnel using multiple touchpoints.

Chat to us about your social media advertising requirements

To chat to one of our social media advertising specialists, email [email protected], call 02392 830281 or fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch.

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752% return on ad spend for PPC campaigns
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51% increase in SEO-driven revenue
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79% increase in table bookings from ‘near-me’ searches
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Frequently Asked Questions

Paid social advertising allows advertisers to create and display ads to specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and other targeting criteria defined by the social media platform. Popular social media platforms for paid advertising include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and others.

The effectiveness of social media advertising can vary based on several factors, including the platform chosen, the target audience, the quality of the ad content, and the overall marketing strategy. However, social media advertising is generally considered effective for several reasons, including:

  1. Targeted Advertising: Social media platforms provide robust targeting options, allowing advertisers to reach specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and locations. This precision targeting can result in more relevant ads reaching the intended audience.
  2. Wide Audience Reach: Social media platforms have massive user bases, providing advertisers with the opportunity to reach a large and diverse audience. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses looking to increase brand awareness.
  3. Engagement and Interactivity: Social media ads can encourage engagement through likes, shares, comments, and clicks. Interactive ad formats, such as polls or quizzes, can enhance user participation and provide valuable data for advertisers.
  4. Measurable Metrics: Advertisers can track and analyse various metrics to assess the performance of their social media campaigns. Metrics like clicks, impressions, conversions, and engagement rates help measure the effectiveness of the advertising efforts.
  5. Cost-Effective Options: Many social media platforms offer flexible budgeting options, allowing businesses of all sizes to participate in advertising. Additionally, the pay-per-click (PPC) model means advertisers only pay when users take specific actions, making it a cost-effective option for some campaigns.
  6. Brand Visibility and Loyalty: Consistent presence on social media through advertising can contribute to increased brand visibility and customer loyalty. Social media allows for ongoing communication with the audience, fostering a sense of community around the brand.
  7. Real-time Feedback: Social media provides a platform for immediate feedback from users. Advertisers can monitor comments, messages, and other interactions to gauge customer sentiment and make necessary adjustments to their campaigns.

While social media advertising offers numerous advantages, it’s important for advertisers to be aware of the potential challenges such as ad fatigue, negative feedback and fake engagement, so advertisers must tailor their strategies accordingly. A well-planned and executed social media advertising campaign can capitalise on the strengths of the platforms and mitigate potential drawbacks.

Paid social can be worth it when strategically implemented to align with your business objectives. It’s essential to assess your goals, audience, and content quality to determine if paid social is the right fit for your overall marketing strategy. Regular evaluation and optimisation based on performance metrics are crucial for maximising the benefits of paid social advertising.