Why doesn’t my website perform on mobile?

Following Google’s recent mobile-friendly update, more businesses are focusing their attentions on how their websites perform on mobile devices.

These investigations naturally shed light on various problems that might prevent a website from working well, so if you’re struggling to work out why yours isn’t, this slide deck covers nine of the most common reasons.

It also offers a quick tip from our digital experts on overcoming each problem:

More reading material for you

If you’d prefer to read this in blog format, click here. Or, below are some other mobile-related articles that might be of interest:

Content in the mobile age: Long form or short form?

Why your stagnant mobile performance isn’t a bad thing

How to use context to improve your mobile search results

Michelle Hill profile picture
Michelle Hill

Michelle joined Vertical Leap in 2011 as Marketing Manager, having spent the previous 15 years of her marketing career in the recruitment, leisure and printing industries. Her passions include dogs, yoga, walking, cycling, the beach, mountains and tapas.

More articles by Michelle
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